I feel so fortunate to have a six-year working relationship with David Kravetz and Eileen Spitalny, owners of Fairytale Brownies. Here are some of my favorite covers over the years. It’s always great working with art director Erin Kress, who brings layouts and inspiration shots for me to follow. It’s my job as a food and prop stylist to bring her vision to life. For the Valentine’s Day cover I found quilting squares which made the perfect faux napkin. The milk glass lacy plate against the rustic white washed wood made the perfect combination for the early holiday cover. I love hunting for just the right props. If you haven’t had a Fairytale brownie you are really missing out, 13 amazing flavors, check out their site. http://www.brownies.com

Thanksgiving for us is an ever changing head count.   My nieces are all grown-up, places to go, people to see.  That being said, this past Thanksgiving was a one table event.  As a food and prop stylist who loves my job, inspiration is always around me.  This Thanksgiving, my inspiration was the Williams-Sonoma’s Great American Turkey dish towels which served as the starting off point for my table setting. Gobble, gobble.

williams-sonona dish towel

Williams-Sonoma, Great American Turkey, Thanksgiving, Holiday Entertaining

I love the creases in the Great American Turkey dish towels, thank you Williams-Sonoma.

Use what you have around the house.  I used artichokes, pears, dried gourds, pomegranates, artificial white pumpkins and autumn leaves.

You scream, we scream, we all scream for ice cream!  My friends at Cold Stone have taken funnel cake, churros, chocolate cake and brownie, which they are using as a base for their new ice cream sundaes, brilliant!   These sundaes are the creation of Taste Master Ray Karam and his team at Kahala Corporation.   I had so much fun working as the food stylist on this product shoot, a day filled with ice cream and talented people, who wouldn’t love it?   A special “thank you” to Robb Penney for his fabulous art direction.

Funnel cake, strawberries, ice cream and whipped cream.

Churros, caramel sauce, ice cream and whipped cream.

Chocolate cake, ice cream, fudge, whipped cream and chocolate shavings.

Brownies, ice cream, fudge, caramel sauce, whipped cream and nuts.

“I don’t know nothin’ bout birthin’ babies” but I do know somethin’ about throwing a baby shower on the cheap!!! As a prop and food stylist, my job often consists of being “crafty” and making due with the props you have in the studio.  I’ve instilled this “MacGyver” trait into my personal life and to give you a snippet of that in action,  this is a baby shower that I hosted for my friend Dana.

Inexpensive wrapping papper makes a great throwaway table runner

Discount children’s books instead of a floral centerpiece, $3 each.

Dollar store bibs dress-up ordinary chairs. Bonus gift for mom-to-be.

Yard sale baby vases make great candy dish.

My friend Sharon made this fun cake, it was delicious!!!!!

My friend says a sandwich makes the perfect meal.  I agree, especially when I’m too tired to cook.  How long can it take to make a sandwich?   Well that depends on whether you are going to use it for a photo shoot or woof it down in front of the TV.   As an Arizona food and prop stylist, I get to work with a lot of fun companies based out of Arizona, one of them being Bar-S Foods. A large portion of my job is engineering, how do I give a sandwich the fullness and height it deserves?   Answer: pins, sponges, bristol board, adhesives, weights and whatever else I can find in my food styling kit.

Welcome to my very first blog post.  Recently we finished a Macayo’s print shoot which grew into their video shoot!  I know I’m supposed to be talking about my work, but I want to talk about is their fabulous food. OMG, I am addicted to their green corn tamales, best ever!!!!  Not only did I have them for lunch everyday on set, but Sharisse Johnson, CEO was kind enough to send me home with an entire pan!!!  I felt like I died and went to green corn tamale heaven.  The morning menu for the video shoot was chilaquiles, perfect way to start the day.

Below are some tasty still shots of the work.